Aaisha Nasim, M.Sc. (Hort.) Department of Fruit Science
IGKV, Raipur (C.G.)
Dr. Subuhi Nishad, NSS Programme Officer and Sports Officer
IGKV, Raipur (C.G.)
Dr. G.D. Sahu, Assistant Professor, Department of Fruit Science
IGKV, Raipur (C.G.)
Dr. Dronak Kumar Sahu, Guest teacher, Department of Dairy Business Management,
College of Dairy Science & Food Technology, Raipur (C.G.)
As rural people boost up their health immunity power by growing strawberry as it is very nutritious and sell them in market which increase their economic sustainability. Strawberry grown in organic media is very healthy to eat and sell in high price in the market. Gave suitable suggestions and guidance to grow strawberry properly to the rural people.
Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) is one of the most important temperate fruit crop, although it can also be grown in sub-tropical climate, originated from France. It is a short-day herbaceous perennial plant that thri vesin temperatures ranging from 22°C-25°C during the day and 7°C-13°C night (De and Bhattacharjee, 2012). Strawberry is non-climacteric fruit, with fruits that mature only on the plant. Strawberry cultivation has recently gained popularity in India due to very high returns per unit area in a short period of time.
Strawberry is a well-liked soft fruit in many parts of the world (Biswasetal.,2007). Ithas long beena popular delectable fruit for its taste, flavor and fresh use, as well as in the processing industry. Lower calorie content, no cholesterol, and higher levels of phosphorus (21.0mg/100gberry), potassium (16-41mg/100gberry), calcium (21.0mg/100gberry), and vitamin C (40-100mg/100gberries) (Kumaretal.2010).
Energy (44 calories), Water (87-90%), Fat (0.2-0.5%), Protein (0.23-0.70%), Total sugars (3.3- 9.1%), Fibre (1.1%), and Vitamin A (60.0%) (IU). It is one of the most widely consumed fruits on the planet. Strawberry is rich in photo chemicals, the majority of which are phenolic compounds. Photochemical contained in berry fruits include hydroxybenzoicandhydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, anthocyanins, condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins), flavonolsand hydrolysable tannins (Machiexetal., 1990). Strawberries area good source of natural antioxidants, and they have a high concentration of ellagic acid, which is believed to have anti-carcino genic properties (Moradietal., 2011). Normal in take of its fruits has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and asthma (Wange and Kzlogoz, 1998).
DeLC and Bhattacharjee SK. 2012. Handbook of Edible Fruits. Aavishkar Publishers, Jaipur 302003 (Rajasthan), India.312p.
Biswas, M.K., Hossain, M.;Ahmed, M.B. ;Roy, U.K. ;Karim, R.;Razvy, M.A. ;Salahin, M. and Islam, R.(2007). Multiple Shoots Regeneration of Strawberry under Various Colour Illuminations. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 2:133-135.
Kumar, S.,Yadav, M. and Singh, G.K. 2010. Effect of iron and zinc on fruit yield and quality of strawberry (Fragariaananassa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 80(2):171–173.
Macheix, J.J.,Fleuriet, A. and Billiot, J.1990. Changes and metabolism of phenolic compounds in fruits, in Fruit Phenolics, ed. By Macheix, J.J., Fleuriet, A. and Billiot, J.CRC Press, Boca Raton FL.pp.149–221.
Moradi, K.; Otroshy, M.; and Azimi, M.R. (2011). Micro propagation of strawberry by multiple shoots regeneration tissue cultures. Journal of Agricultural Technology.7(6):1755-1763.
Wange, R.S. and Kzlogoz (1998). Effect of biofertilizer on growth, yield and quality of strawberry. Ann. Agric. Sci. Mosthohor, 43(2): 247–254.
Zebarth, B.J.,Neilsen, G.H., Hogue, E. and Neilsen, D.,1999. Influence of organic waste amendments on selected soil physical and chemical properties.Canadian Journal of Soil Science,79(3), pp.501-504.