Dr. Abhay Bisen and Dr. Swati Bisen
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur
Tamarind is a gentle laxative and improved sluggishness of the bowels, besides it acts as an astringent in bowels complaints. It is also a blood purifier. Its acidic nature excites the bile and other juices in the body. Being highly acidic, it is refrigerant (cooling in the heat) and febrifuge (fighting fever). As a source of natural Vitamin C, it helps in getting relief from cold and scurvy. It is an ingredient in cardiac and blood sugar reducing medicine. Its antiseptic nature used in eye baths and for the treatment of ulcers. It is used to treat bronchial disorders and gargling with tamarind water is recommended for sore throat..
LEAVES:- In folk medicines tamarind leaves are used for sprains and swelling. The leaves used in sub acid decoction is said to destroy worms in children, useful for jaundice and externally as a wash for sore eyes and ulcer. In Philippinnes the leaves have been traditionally used in herbal tea for reducing malaria. Tamarind leaves and flowers dried and boiled are used as poultices for swollen joints, sprains and boiled leaves helps against skin diseases such as scabies.
PULP:- The pulp is said the aid the restoration of sensation in cases of paralysis. It is also used at an astringent for skin infection. In Mauritius, the creoles mix salt with pulp and use it as a liniment for rheumatism and make a decoction of the bark for asthma. In Columbia, an oentinent made for tamarind pulp, butter and other ingredient is used ti rid domestic animal of vermin, In native practice, the pulp applied on inflammations is used in a gargle for rheumatism. It has been administered to alleviate sunstroke and alcoholic intoxication. The pulp, taken alone or with lime juice, honey, milk, dates, spices or camphor is considered an effective digestive and as a remedy for bile disorders and as an antiseorbutic.
SEED:- The powered seed are made into paste for drawing boils and with or without cumin seeds and palm sugar are prescribed for chronic diarrhea and dysentery.
BARK:- The bark of tree is regarded as an effective astringent, tonic and febrifuge. Bark fried with salt and pulverised to an ash, is given as a remedy for indigestion and colic. A decoction is used in cases if gingitives, asthma and eye inflammation . The lotions and poultices made from the bark are applied on open sores and caterpillar rashes. In suriname the traditional medicines the bark is used for diarrhea. Bathing with an infusion of the boiled leaves help against skin diseases such as scabies.
ROOT:- An infusion of the roots is believed to have curative value in chest complaints and as ingredient I prescription for leprosy.